Impulse 6000D/7000DP ventricular fibrillation amplitudes

Impulse 6000D/7000DP ventricular fibrillation amplitudes


Fluke has made some changes to the Impulse 6000D/7000DP ECG amplitudes to improve customer satisfaction with the instrument. This paper describes the implications for the VFib waves.


lead The reference lead is the lead that matches the ECG Amplitude setting. For example, with a Lead II reference, at a setting of 1 mV Amplitude, Lead II is 1 mV.

All other leads will be a defined percentage of the reference lead.

Firmware change

Firmware changed from version 1.02 to 1.03.

For firmware 1.02 and earlier, Lead I was the ECG reference lead.

For firmware 1.03 and later, you can select either lead I or lead II to be the reference lead, but Lead II is the default selection. The selection is stored in non-volatile memory.

Hardware ECO (Engineering Change Order)

The defib paddle ECG amplitude is always proportional to Lead II.

Originally, the defib paddle ECG amplitude was 40 % of Lead II. The ECO changed 2 resistors in the circuit to make it equal to Lead II.

ECG amplitudes

Normal Sinus wave ECG amplitudes, as a percentage of reference lead setting

Reference Lead I II III Defib Paddles with ECO Defib Paddles before ECO
II 70 100 30 100 40
I 100 150 50 100 60


Ventricular fibrillation (VFIB)

VFib is an important wave needed by Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). It is an irregular wave that varies throughout but its overall peak to peak amplitude is proportional to a Normal Sinus wave. Fine VFib is 1/2 the amplitude of Coarse VFib:

Wave Percentage of Normal Sinus
Vfib Coarse 85
VFib Fine 42

Therefore, the amplitude of VFib Coarse as a percentage of Reference is:

Reference Lead i ii iii Defib Paddles with ECO Defib Paddles before ECO
II 60 85 25 85 34
I 85 128 42 128 51

And the amplitude of VFib Fine as percentage of Reference Lead is:

Reference Lead I II III Defib Paddles with ECO Defib Paddles before ECO
II 30 42 12 42 17
I 42 64 21 64 26

To get an AED to recognize VFib, the user should be aware of these amplitudes.

If the amplitude is too small, the AED might not get enough signal to recognize it.

If the amplitude is too large, the AED might think the VFib transitions are beats instead of fibrillation.

The user can adjust the ECG Amplitude setting as needed to get the AED to recognize the VFib.



Application Note

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